Thin Stone 1cm Slabs
Times Stronger, Two Thirds Lighter
What Is Polycor’s Thin Stone?
Thin Stone is an ultra-thin reinforced slab of natural stone, cut down to 1 cm thickness, approximately 3/8” actual.
Thin Stone slabs are available in all of Polycor’s granites and marbles, each weighing 2/3 less than traditional 3 cm slabs.
1 cm slabs are backed with a proprietary reinforcement that gives the natural stone a Flexural strength 10 times that of thicker, unbacked granite or marble. On installations, around corners, on walls, floors and countertops, the material is
An Exclusive Polycor Innovation
1 cm slabs of natural stone combine durability and distinction: only one third the weight of a standard 3 cm slab, yet 10 times stronger.
This ultra-thin facing material is reinforced by a composite support and is available in 9’ x 5’ slabs. Entire walls, gigantic backsplashes, fireplaces, floating and integrated countertops: this product is perfect for any contemporary application.
Physical Benefits With Various
Aside from the aesthetics of the new 1 cm thin stone, if you’re a fabricator, installer or designer, you’ll also appreciate the physical benefits the material has to offer for various applications:
Quick Guide
How Thin Stone Slabs Are Made:
You can fabricate Thin Stone with typical shop tooling and stoneworking techniques. Use your usual tools for cutting, grinding, polishing and finishing. Match the blade to the material and cut at a slightly slower traverse speed than you would for a 2 cm stone.
A few key notes:
- No special tools are required for working with 1cm slabs.
- You’ll get more precise cuts with the same blade when cutting Thin Stone.
- You’ll want to use plenty of water to cool the blade and prevent any chipping.
- It will take less time to complete the job and cause less wear on the tools themselves as it preserves blade life significantly over 2 and 3 cm stone.

Fabricators Answered Top FAQs for 1 CM Thin Stone
Has this scenario ever happened to you? A designer or homeowner walks into your shop with a cocktail napkin drawing for a kitchen design, with bookmatched slabs.
Never mind the narrow hallways and small openings in the apartment or the fact that it calls for a material you’ve never worked with.

Thin Stone 1cm Slabs
Thin Stone 1cm Slabs
Download the 1CM Natural Stone Fabrication Guide
Quick Guide
How to Fabricate Polycor 1 CM Ultra Thin Stone
An exclusive Polycor innovation, 1 cm slabs of natural stone combine durability and distinction: only one third the weight of a standard 3 cm slab, yet 10 times stronger.
This ultra-thin facing material is reinforced by a composite support and is available in 9’ x 5’ slabs.
Entire walls, gigantic backsplashes, fireplaces, floating and integrated countertops: this product is perfect for any contemporary application.

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Thin Stone 1cm Slabs
Download the 1CM Natural Stone Fabrication Guide